April 28, 2023

Unmanned intelligent forklifts are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons

In our industrial environment, forklifts are a common type of industrial robot that belongs to the wheeled mobile robot category. It is capable of driving through a predetermined path and traveling between the starting point and the destination according to the set route, as well as performing a variety of material handling tasks automatically. In addition to these functions, you will be able to interact directly with a wood ant robot here, making it widely used.

In addition to being flexible and intelligent, it is also unaffected by the space or site environment, allowing for a wide range of actions such as picking up, moving, transporting, lifting, and dropping. Among its many applications are goods transfer and distribution, production line material transportation, and assembly.

In recent years, rapid technological development has stacker forkliftreduced dependence on specific environments and made them more adaptable. From early trackless navigation to current trackless navigation, the environment has become increasingly adaptable. Laser navigation is the most popular navigation method at the moment because of its accuracy and convenience;

The epidemic has even led to an increase in labor costs, recruitment difficulties, and other difficulties for enterprises. In response to the epidemic, enterprises began seeking automatic handling robots, which could reduce labor intensity, reduce enterprise costs, and improve efficiency.

Manual handling can be replaced by unmanned forklifts in narrow lanes, harsh and dangerous environments.

Seven times 24 hours can be worked simultaneously. In addition to losing their bodies, workers can also get fatigued while driving, which can lead to safety accidents, while an unmanned forklift can be operated continuously within the scene by automatically charging or manually replacing the battery, and can achieve the range by automatically charging or manually replacing the battery.

Related article reading:

What are the reasons for the widespread use of unmanned forklifts in warehouses?

With robot unmanned forklifts, your storage becomes more flexible

Unmanned forklifts can be an important tool in warehouse management

Posted by: satisfy at 03:45 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 18, 2021

What are the consequences if the real-name mobile phone card is directly discarded without canceling or paying the fee after the arrears?

Now the mobile phone has become an indispensable part of many people's lives, 學生planand in the street, we can see that basic people have a mobile phone. We all know that mobile phones. Calls without calling cards are just a bunch of parts. Many people register one or two calling cards after receiving the call. However, when registering a phone card, real-name authentication is required. But in life, it often happens that many people's real-name mobile phone cards will not be sold after they are in arrears. Instead, they were simply thrown away. What are the consequences?

We know that real-name authentication is required to register a mobile phone card now. 香港電話儲值卡One ID card can handle up to four phone cards, and many people can handle several phone cards for life, work or entertainment. However, many people know that their phone number is already in arrears after applying for a calling card. They don't pay the bill and don't go to the business hall to cancel the phone number. They just throw it away. What are the consequences of doing this? How bad can it be?

The consequences of this are actually quite serious. . In other words, when the operator handles the package and the new card again, it will pay for a few more months.

Secondly, because these calling cards are registered with real names, your arrears information will be recorded in your credit card. If you don’t pay for a long time, the operator will blacklist you and refuse to accept all your business with this operator. Don't underestimate the operator's blacklist. In the Internet age, many things can be found through the Internet, and your debt information can also be inquired. In other words, 學生Planthese "black spots" may affect your life, and even accompany you throughout your life, with serious consequences.

The real-name mobile phone card, if you don’t cancel or pay the fee after the arrears, what will happen? The real-name system brings a lot of convenience to our lives, but it also tests everyone’s proficiency level. At the end of the article, I suggest that you pay off the arrears in time after your mobile phone number is in arrears. If not, it is recommended to go to the business hall to cancel the mobile phone number in time.

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Do I have to log out if I don’t use my mobile phone number? What happens if I don’t log out?

Posted by: satisfy at 09:23 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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July 21, 2021

What fruit is good for acne on the face

The acne on the face recurs and pops up from time to time, making friends who love beauty very upset. Is there a simple and effective way to remove acne? The answer is yes, eating fruits often has a certain effect on the treatment of acne on the face. Fruits are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotene, which can enhance the skin's anti-damage ability , Help maintain skin elasticity. 去暗瘡印藥膏It can interfere with melanin production and help eliminate acne and freckles on the skin. Let's take a look at what fruits are good for acne on the face.

1. Apple

Apples are rich in nutrients, and are regarded as the sacred product of beauty by many people who love beauty. The large amount of water and various moisturizing factors contained in it have a moisturizing effect on the skin. Vitamin C can inhibit the accumulation of melanin in the skin. Often eating apples can lighten facial freckles and chloasma. In addition, the abundant fruit acids contained in apples can make pores unblocked and have anti-acne effects.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which can enhance the metabolic rate of the skin and mucous membranes, and have the effect of deep cleansing and balancing oils.


pears are rich in multiple vitamins and fruit acids, which have the effects of cleansing the skin, balancing oils, dispersing blood stasis, eliminating accumulation, detoxification, and promoting blood circulation. Eating pears often can moisturize skin, dispel acne and wrinkle.

4. Grapes

Grape contains a lot of grape polyphenols, which has antioxidant function, can block the proliferation of free genes, and effectively delay exhaustion; it also contains tannin and citric acid, which has a strong astringent effect and soft and moisturizing effect. In addition, grape syrup is rich in vitamin B3 and minerals, which can deeply moisturize, resist fatigue, and promote skin cell regeneration.


Lemon is also a fruit that acne patients can eat. Lemon is a good beauty product among fruits. Because it is rich in vitamin C and calcium, it is used as a raw material for cosmetics and skin care products. It has whitening and cleansing, removing stains, firming, and moisturizing. Skin, eliminate fatigue, anti-aging and other work effects.

In short, you can eat fruits and vegetables that help reduce sebum secretion and promote acne healing, such as: watermelon, grapefruit, banana, cucumber, loofah, wax gourd, bitter gourd, etc., but pay attention to high-sugar fruits such as lychee, orange, durian, etc. Eat less.

Warm reminder: Eating more fruits has a certain effect on the treatment of acne, but the effect will not be very fast and obvious. It is not possible to get rid of acne by eating fruits for a few days. The key to treating acne lies in daily life and eating habits, as well as keeping the skin clean. You should also eat less spicy and fried foods and seafood. You must have a good life and rest habits. Don't stay up late and exercise more.

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Posted by: satisfy at 04:22 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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July 07, 2021

Seven reasons for a fast heartbeat

1. "Stress and anxiety, these mental factors can cause the release of adrenaline and cortisol hormones, and increase heart rate and blood pressure. If we can relieve our emotions, we will disappear on our own. Try to relax, practice deep breathing, yoga and Tai Chi.

2. Second, stimulating beverages Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other stimulating substances can increase blood pressure and accelerate heartbeat. It is recommended that adults not exceed 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is roughly equivalent to 4 cups of coffee.

3. Dehydration. ekg electrocardiogramWhen dehydration, the effective blood volume will decrease, causing the patient's blood pressure level to drop, which can force the heart to study harder and accelerate the beating. Drink water or beverages containing different electrolytes in time after a lot of sweating to replenish the body fluids and minerals lost by the personnel.

4. Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can also increase the secretion of cortisol hormone, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night.

5. pain. A study showed that the stress caused by acute pain can lead to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, pupil dilation and increased cortisol content in the blood, and the heartbeat will return to normal after treatment.

6. The heart of pregnant women is under more stress. The research results of Duke University Medical Center in the United States show that by the end of pregnancy, the uterus receives 1/5 of the mother's blood supply, which increases the amount of blood pumped by the heart by 30% to 50%, resulting in faster heartbeat.

7. Thyroid problems A variety of hormones secreted by the thyroid have a regulatory effect on the function of the main organs of the human body. When thyroid hormone is insufficient, the heart rate will decrease, and excessive thyroid hormone will increase the heart rate. If it is suspected to be caused by a thyroid problem, the heartbeat should be checked accordingly.

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11 ways to reduce your heart rate for a long time!

Posted by: satisfy at 07:10 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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June 25, 2021

How to eliminate eye bags

The eyes are the most important different part of our face through the face, but it is also the most vulnerable part. The appearance of bags under the eyes can not only seriously affect the beauty of the eyes, but also give people a sense of vicissitudes and fatigue. You might as well try the following methods.

1. Apply vitamin E

If you have heavy bags under your eyes, 美容覺take vitamin E capsules every night before going to bed to remove the mucus in the middle and massage the skin around your eyes.

2. Apply warm water to the eyes

Soak the clean towel in warm water, do not wring it out. Keep moisture in the towel, apply it to the eyes, remove it immediately, soak the clean towel in warm water, and repeat 2-3 times.

3. Massage

Before getting up every day, you can do some simple massages,黑眼圈眼膜 which can help us wake up quickly and eliminate the swelling under the eyes.

4. Drink less water at night

Try not to drink water half an hour before going to bed. This may affect the circulation of the eyes and cause bags under the eyes of poor urban drainage.

5. Apply cucumber

You can apply sliced ​​cucumber to the eye area to calm the skin and help 黑眼圈改善alleviate the symptoms of dark circles. But remember that the skin after applying cucumber eye mask is clean and thin, and it is easy to get sunburned. Avoid the sun to avoid freckles instead of removing bags under the eyes.

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How to remove dark circles teaches you the most effective way to quickly remove dark circles

What is better to treat dark circles?

What if I have frequent bears while staying up late?

Posted by: satisfy at 08:29 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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June 18, 2021

light source

New type---light source: LED uses a cold light source, with low glare, no radiation, and no harmful effects during use. The led's working voltage is low, it adopts DC drive mode, power consumption (single tube 0.03~0.06w), electro-optical power conversion is close to 100%, and it can save more than 80% energy than traditional light sources under the same lighting effect. The benefit of led ---, there is no ultraviolet and infrared in the spectrum, 應急 照明 燈and the waste can be recycled, no pollution, no hg element, safe to touch, it is a typical green lighting source.

---: LED is a solid cold light source, encapsulated by epoxy resin, anti-vibration, and the lamp has no loose parts. There are no shortcomings such as easy burning of the filament, heat deposition, light decay, etc., and the service life can reach 60,000 to 100,000 Hours, more than 10 times the service life of the light source. The LED performance is stable, and it can work normally at -30°C and 50°C.

(3) Multi-conversion: The LED light source can use the principle of red, green and blue three primary colors. Under the control of the computer, using three colors with 256 levels of gray and mixing arbitrarily, it can produce 256 256 256 (16777216) colors to form different lights. Color combination. It forms a variety of combinations of different light colors and realizes colorful dynamic changes and various images.

High-tech: LED light source is a low-voltage microelectronic product that successfully integrates computer technology, network communication technology, image processing technology and embedded control technology. The chip size used in the traditional LED lamp is 0 25mm×0 25nm, and the size of the lighting LED is generally more than 10mm×10mm. The workbench structure, the inverted pyramid structure, and the flip chip design of LED die molding can improve its luminous efficiency, thereby emitting more light. Led package design --- including high-conductivity metal block substrate, flip chip design and bare disk casting lead frame, etc., using these can design high-power, low-thermal resistance devices, and the illuminance of these devices is better than that of leds The illuminance of the product.

A typical high luminous flux LED device technology can be developed to produce a luminous flux of several lumens to tens of lumens. With updated designs, we can integrate and learn more LEDs in an important device, or install multiple electronic devices in a single assembly. , So that the number of lumens output by the students is equivalent to a small incandescent lamp. For example, a high-power 12-chip monochromatic LED device can output 200lm of light energy, and the power consumed is between 10~15W.

The application research of LED light source is very flexible and can be made into light, thin and short products with various activities of points, lines and surfaces; the control system of LED is extremely, as long as the working current is adjusted, the light can be adjusted at will; the combination of different light colors develops and changes Multi-terminal, the use of timing control module circuit, can achieve the effect of dynamic changes of rich resources LEDs have been widely used in various lighting equipment, such as battery-powered flashlights, miniature voice-activated lights, safety lights, outdoor road and indoor staircase lights, continuous lights for buildings and signs.

The emergence of white LEDs is an important step from marking function to lighting function. White LED is the closest to my country’s daylight, and can better reflect the real environment color of the target object being illuminated. Therefore, from the perspective of technical research, white LED is undoubtedly the most advanced technology of LED. White LEDs have begun to enter some application areas. products such as emergency lights, flashlights, and flashlights have been launched, but they are difficult to popularize due to their high prices. The prerequisite for the popularization of white light LEDs is that the prices continue to fall, and the price reduction must be possible after the white LED has formed a certain economic market development scale. The integration of the two ultimately depends on the progress of information technology companies.

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LED Portable Light Principle

Features of energy-saving lamps

Energy saving light

Posted by: satisfy at 08:45 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 26, 2021

What to do when a child has a fever

1. Why do children have a fever?

Under normal circumstances, the human body temperature is around 37 degrees, lower in the morning and higher in the evening. There is a department in the brain called the "hypothalamic temperature regulation center", 何濟公止痛退熱散which can balance the body's heat production and heat dissipation like a central air conditioner, thereby regulating our body temperature. When there is an invasion by foreign enemies, such as bacteria or viruses that can be infected, the hypothalamus will increase the temperature to fight them, because bacteria and viruses like our normal body temperature but usually cannot reproduce at higher temperatures. Therefore, the body of a normal child will use fever to resist the infection of foreign pathogens, so a fever indicates that the child has a healthy autoimmune defense system.

2. Will a high fever burn the child's brain?

Every healthy brain has the function of constant temperature regulation. The feverish body temperature often reaches its highest point at 39.5-40℃, and rarely exceeds 40.6-41.1℃. This internal regulation mechanism can prevent the brain from being too high and damaging the brain. organization. Only when the brain's regulatory mechanisms are damaged (such as traumatic brain injury, 何濟公止痛退熱散central nervous system infection) or in some special circumstances (such as locked in a closed car in summer) can not cause brain damage. Therefore, when a healthy child is sick and has a fever (body temperature is lower than 42 degrees), the fever itself will not cause brain damage. When the body temperature exceeds 42 degrees Celsius, fever can cause damage to the brain, and only when the body is exposed to extreme environmental temperatures (such as locked in a closed car in summer), the temperature will rise to this level. In addition, simple febrile convulsions generally do not cause brain damage. If complex febrile convulsions occur repeatedly, it is recommended to seek medical attention. The legendary fever burns the brain of a child is usually the result of diseases such as encephalitis or meningitis. These diseases affect the brain and are caused by the disease itself, not fever.

3. Does the child need to physically cool down?

Although some studies have shown that using antipyretics combined with warm water and bathing in a short period of time will be better for reducing fever, this operation will significantly increase the discomfort of children, and will also affect children's rest to a certain extent. If you give your child a bath with warm water and the child feels uncomfortable, there is no need to do this for physical cooling.何濟公止痛退熱片 At present, professional guidelines at home and abroad do not recommend physical cooling methods such as warm water wipes and antipyretic stickers to reduce body temperature for fever children, and ice water or alcohol baths are not recommended to reduce fever. Alcohol bathing is more dangerous, because alcohol will be absorbed through the skin during the process of wiping the body. On the one hand, it may cause allergic reactions in children. On the other hand, it may cause the baby's blood vessels to dilate, decrease blood volume, and even risk shock.

4. Do children have to take medicine if they have a fever?

We usually use axillary temperature ≥ 37.5 degrees to define fever. But using a fixed body temperature to define fever is too absolute, this is just a reference value. Everyone's basal body temperature is different. Some babies have a body temperature of 38 degrees and they will run around happily, while some babies have a body temperature of 37.3 degrees and they look depressed. Therefore, in addition to looking at the numbers on the thermometer, we must also pay attention to whether the child has abnormal performance, such as whether there is uncomfortable performance, how emotional, and whether there is energy. When a child's fever does not exceed 38.5 degrees, what parents have to do is to take various measures to make the child feel more comfortable, generally without taking medicine. For example: (1) Wear suitable clothing for the child, and when the child has a fever and sweat, it will be able to absorb enough sweat. (2) Encourage children to drink plenty of water. If you are unwilling to drink boiled water, you can feed some juice that is not too sweet, or boil some apple water or pear water. (3) Closely observe the baby's body temperature and mental state. When the body temperature is higher than 38.5 degrees and the child's mental state deteriorates, consider using antipyretics.





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October 26, 2020




Lockly® Secure Lux 是 Lockly® 旗下最高級的智能指紋鎖,集前衛造型及卓越功能於一身。除了PIN Genieâ„¢ 密碼鍵盤,亦有指紋感應器、藍牙、RFID拍卡及機械鑰匙等合共五種開鎖方式。


一般指紋鎖都帶有記錄和報警功能,避免因為粗心造成的損失;因為日常開鎖使用指紋識別,很少使用鑰匙,所以免去了鑰匙丟失,同時也不怕他人持有自家鑰匙;指紋鎖的鎖孔位置大都是隱藏起來的,不會輕易的被找到。 所以對於防撬防暴力開鎖,這個問題關系到鎖芯的質量。我們知道指紋鎖的內部有機械鎖芯和電子鎖芯兩種,不管有無鎖孔,鎖芯質量不過關,依然可以被暴力開啟,何況指紋鎖具備防撬報警,有人惡意開鎖,指紋鎖同樣會發出長時間的警報聲。濟南指紋鎖廠家提醒您,選擇指紋鎖所時,要留意一下應急鎖芯參數,C級鎖芯好。







Posted by: satisfy at 08:09 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 16, 2020




究竟new beauty修身好唔好?親自上New Beauty 試做佢地嘅TRF終極溶脂修身療程!最初聽到「溶脂」兩個字,我以為個療程只係適合修身,係New Beauty美容顧問講解之下先知,只要配合唔同嘅機頭,就可以用係身上唔同嘅部位去達到緊緻嘅效果!"


PicoCure 去斑好唔好?為什麼有些人說不會反黑?因為picocure 去斑有著全球唯一4波長皮納去斑科技,首先用納秒將皮膚內的黑色素擊打成小粒子分子,再用皮秒將小粒子打至粉塵般微細,然後黑色素會跟隨者身體的循環及新陳代謝逐漸排出體外,對身體不會有任何損傷。


多補水保濕,皮膚內的水份充足,才可以充分發揮一切正常的升級功效。 如果一切正常,皮膚中一些不幹淨的東西就可以排出,這會使皮膚細胞更加活躍,使皮膚看起來更年輕,更有延展性。因此,女性通常喝水,並覺得皮膚是做出來的,需要在臉上噴冷水。換句話說,每日在臉部多擦抹一些補水保濕潤膚露(或水)。另外,學會晚上睡覺前在絲瓜上切一塊敷在臉上10多分鍾,有很好的美白嫩膚的實際效果喲。






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October 04, 2020





2、密度板(纖維板),密度板也叫纖維板,主要是由細碎的木質纖維經過高溫壓制而成的。 密度板表面光滑平整,材質細膩,性能穩定,耐沖擊易加工,應用廣泛。然而MDF是不防濕氣,水容易膨脹變形,它是不適合於廚房和浴室櫃。







Posted by: satisfy at 07:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 01, 2020



係由美國品牌nu skin最新推出嘅美容儀,結合洗面加護膚功能。


Project CFA顧名思義,就是集合兒童心臟基金會(CHF)、如新香港善的力量基金會香港分會(FFG, HongKong),及方力申(Alex)三方行善的力量









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September 21, 2020




首先,它是從太陽能電池板,多個使用智能花瓣向日葵常規太陽能或矩形筒狀的形狀的傳統形狀不同,真正顯示太陽能智能。Smart flower通過市場定位信息系統,能夠全天跟隨太陽旋轉,無論是角度、方位都能夠精確固定,確保學生能夠發展一直沒有接受太陽的直射,而且我們能夠同時根據不同時間段來增強或降低發電量。保持一個高效率發電,改變了中國傳統企業固定的模式,實現了能源的有效合理利用。

在應對天氣變化時,完全不用人工幹預,Smart flower安裝了風速感應器在天氣良好的情況下自動打開葉片。當風速高於54KM/h時就會主動閉合自己的葉片,從而來保護自己。它比傳統的太陽能安全有效40倍,每年提供4000千瓦時的電力,足夠一個家庭用一年。 同時,會發現普通太陽能很難解決汙垢問題,每當太陽能使用太久時,就會出現灰塵、鳥糞等問題,因為沒有清潔系統,只能被雨天沖走。而Smart flower就考慮到這一問題,安裝了小毛刷,分布在每個葉片後面,當每天閉合時就能夠清潔一次,從而解決了清潔問題。

太陽能發電,屬於一個高效、可再生資源能源,在未來社會發展中國家逐漸被優化,"向日葵”發電控制系統的出現,也證明了發電企業技術的進步。我們把可再生資源的利用效率也越來越高,而在其他地區使用太陽能的相當廣泛,如:太陽能汽車(利用光電池充電可有效減少汽車尾氣汙染,城市環境有很大的幫助。 太陽能船(也用太陽能驅動電機而不造成水汙染)等。"向日葵”發電系統的誕生和發展,可以有效地促進新能源產業的發展,也可以改變傳統的發電模式,實現光伏發電的有效利用,促進太陽能產業的可持續發展。






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August 28, 2020













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August 24, 2020











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August 10, 2020












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August 05, 2020











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July 15, 2020

Kinds of personal clouds

Non-public clouds can differ while in the way they are hosted and managed, supplying various features based on the demands of your enterprise:

Other than offering a comprehensive

Virtual -- a virtual private cloud is actually a walled-off natural environment inside a general public cloud which allows a corporation to operate their workloads in isolation from each and every other user in the general public cloud. While the server is shared by other companies, the digital logic makes certain that a user's computing methods are private. Corporations can use a VPC to permit hybrid cloud deployment.

dedicated solution for business

Hosted -- within a hosted non-public cloud environment, the servers will not be shared with other organizations. The provider provider configures the community, maintains the components and updates the program, however the server is occupied by one organization

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Managed -- this surroundings is actually a hosted surroundings wherein the service provider manages each and every factor of your cloud for your corporation, including deploying supplemental companies these types of as id management and storage. This selection is acceptable for organizations that don't provide the team that is certainly outfitted to control non-public cloud environments alone.

The above mentioned record categorizes non-public clouds by the way they are hosted and to what extent they can be managed via the provider. They are able to even be categorized through the forms of infrastructure they supply. Such as:Software-only -- presents just the software package needed for jogging the personal cloud surroundings, which operates on an organization's pre-existing hardware. A software-only option is commonly utilized in very virtualized environments.Software and components -- some vendors sell private clouds being an all-in-one bundle of hardware and application. It can be generally a straightforward system that exists on the user's premises and should or may not be provider-managed environments.

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Cloud computing type

Varieties of personal clouds

Styles of personal clouds

Kinds of personal clouds

Posted by: satisfy at 03:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 06, 2020












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June 23, 2020



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June 15, 2020













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